Our Football Fans in Training programme is a 12 week course for both Male and Female which is split into two parts. The first 45 minutes being informative about things such as alcohol intake, food intake, advertising etc. The next 45 minutes is Physical Activity which varies each week. For example it can range from going on a walk to completing circuits.
Runs in 12-week blocks
Day & Time – Varies
Venue – Gayfield Park
Our Gains at Gayfield Programme allows a progression from our Football Fans in Training Programme which is a 12-week healthy lifestyle programme. Gains at Gayfield is an hour long and comprises of different workouts each week. These will be communicated prior to the sessions ans will involve workouts such as circuit training, walking, strength training, flexibility etc. We ask participants to work at whatever level suits them, as long as you are moving, we don’t mind what speed!
Day – Monday
Time – 6pm -7pm
Just a donation
Venue – Gayfield Park
A bespoke Mes’s Mental Health programme with a direct link to Football. By using Football as the link to facilitate difficult conversations.
Runs in 12 week blocks
Day & Time – Varies
Venue – Gayfield Park
Best foot Forwards is run in partnership with Active Schools and NHS Tayside. We go into schools and work with both parents and families to lead a healthy lifestyle covering topics such as screen time, sleep hygiene and oral health.
We also deliver physical activity with an aim to focus on family bonding.
Every Tuesday 6:30 – 8:30pm at Gayfield Park. This group is by Women, for Women providing peer support and wellbeing.
3.00pm | 14 September
Scottish League One
3.00pm | 21 September
Scottish League One