

UEFA Ten Point Plan of Action

Arbroath FC Has Adopted the UEFA Ten Point Plan of Action for Professional Football Clubs

Arbroath FC Has Adopted the UEFA Ten Point Plan of Action for
Professional Football Clubs

  1. Issue a statement saying the club will not tolerate racism, spelling out the
    action it will take against those engaged in racist chanting. The statement
    should be printed in all match programmes and displayed permanently and
    prominently around the ground.
  2. Make public address announcements condemning racist chanting at
  3. Make it a condition for season ticket holders that they do not take part in
    racist abuse.
  4. Take action to prevent the sale of racist literature inside and outside the
  5. Take disciplinary action against players who engage in racial abuse.
  6. Contact other clubs to make sure they understand the club’s policy on
  7. Encourage a common strategy between stewards and police for dealing
    with racist abuse.
  8. Remove all racist graffiti from the ground as a matter of urgency.
  9. Adopt an equal opportunities policy in relation to employment and service
  10. Work with all other groups and agencies, such as the players union,
    supporters, schools, voluntary organisations, youth clubs, sponsors, local
    authorities, local businesses and police, to develop pro-active programmes
    and make progress to raise awareness of campaigning to eliminate racial
    abuse and discrimination.
    Behaviour Policy
    Arbroath Football Club is a community Club and wishes to portray a family
    atmosphere at its matches to encourage everyone to enjoy football at Gayfield Park
    in a friendly atmosphere. As such, bad behaviour, persistent use of foul or abusive
    language or any forms of racial or sectarian abuse will not be tolerated. Offenders
    are liable to be ejected from the stadium.
    The Scottish Professional Football League has introduced guidance effective from
    1st January, 2017, whereby all Clubs must issue and publish a written statement that
    clearly indicates that they condemn and will not tolerate any form of Unacceptable
    Conduct by any person at Official matches at its Home Ground and by or amongst its
    Supporters, Officials, Players and others connected to the Club at Away Matches.
    The Board of Directors of Arbroath FC fully supports this Guidance. Arbroath FC is a
    Community Club and at all times wishes to portray a family atmosphere at its
    Matches and to encourage everyone to enjoy football at Gayfield Park in a friendly
    As such, bad behaviour, persistent use of foul or abusive language or any forms of
    racial or sectarian abuse will not be tolerated.
    All persons attending matches at Gayfield Park are absolutely expected to abide by
    the terms of this Policy and the SPFL Regulations.
    Anyone failing to comply with this Guidance is liable to be ejected from the Stadium.
    Unacceptable conduct is conduct which is violent or disorderly and includes the use
    of flares, fireworks, smoke bombs or the like and/or any other object which may
    cause or be part of any incident. Conduct is violent where there is:
    • Actual, attempted or threatened physical violence against a person or
    • Intentional damage to property.
    Disorderly conduct involves any activity which stirs up or sustains, or is likely, or is
    designed to stir up or sustain hatred or ill will against or towards individuals or groups
    of people because of:
    • Gender
    • Age
    • Colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin
    • Membership or presumed membership, of a religious group or of a social
    or cultural group with perceived religious affiliation
    • Sexual orientation
    • Transgender identity
    • Disability
    • Using threatening, abusive or insulting words or conduct both verbal and
    • Displaying writing or any other item which is threatening, abusive or
    Arbroath Football Club condemns racism in any form, either on or off the pitch. The
    Club aims to create and maintain a working and spectating environment free from
    racial harassment and abuse. Everyone connected with Arbroath Football Club has a
    responsibility to prevent racial harassment or abuse.
    A racist incident is defined by Arbroath Football Club as any incident that is
    perceived to be racist by the victim, or any other person. Racial harassment is
    defined by the Club to be any verbal, physical, written or visible abuse that is based
    on a person’s race, ethnic background, colour, nationality, language or cultural
    background – and is considered to be unwanted, unacceptable and offensive to the
    All employees, committee members, players and servants of the Club have a
    responsibility to make it clear that such behaviour by anyone connected with
    Arbroath Football Club is unacceptable.
    Supporters should also note that racist taunts and abusive or threatening behaviour
    will not be tolerated by Arbroath Football Club and all staff and supporters will be
    encouraged to condemn and report such behaviour.
    Proven racial harassment or abuse will lead to eviction from the stadium and will be
    reported to Police Scotland and may result in a life ban from Arbroath Football Club.
    The Club will give their full support to the Police in any criminal investigation.
    Season ticket holders who conduct themselves in this manner face having their
    season ticket revoked and all spectators face the prospect of a life ban from Gayfield
    Scottish football fans have earned a word wide reputation for their enthusiastic and
    good-natured support of the National Team. While most fans follow club football in a
    responsible way, there are occasions where individuals are intent on causing trouble,
    using football as an excuse for bigoted and unacceptable behaviour.
    By working together to remove bigotry from out football grounds we can demonstrate
    that Scottish football fans and in particular Arbroath Football Club supporters:
    • Respect people of all backgrounds and celebrate the multicultural society
    that Scotland has become in the 21st Century
    • Want their Football Clubs, and the support for their Clubs, to reflect the
    diversity of modern Scottish society and
    • Are as passionate about their Football Clubs as they are about their
    National Team.
    • Removal from Gayfield Park or away stadium
    • Suspension or indefinite ban from attending home matches involving
    Arbroath Football Club
    • Suspension or ban from holding Arbroath Football Club membership
    • Suspension or ban as a Player or Coach from Arbroath Football Club
    • Report to the Police and possible criminal proceedings.
    Everyone associated with the Club has a responsibility to prevent and discourage
    any form of abuse and as such are responsible not only for their own actions but also
    those of others. We would therefore encourage everyone to bring to the Club’s
    attention, any incident or behaviour, of individuals or groups of individuals, deemed
    to be in breach of this policy.
    Whilst it is appreciated that behaviour such as that listed above involves the minority
    of individuals in our society, Arbroath Football Club wishes to ensure that we
    continue to maintain the highest standards both on and off the field of play and that
    the name Arbroath Football Club is associated with good and sporting behaviour at
    all times. Pyrotechnic Devices
    The Club’s Board of Directors wish to make it explicitly clear that the possession
    and/or use of any type of Pyrotechnic device within Gayfield Park is strictly
    forbidden. These devices are very dangerous and have the potential to cause
    significant injury.
    The Club strives to ensure that Gayfield Park is a safe environment for all Supporters
    to come to and enjoy watching football. Accordingly Arbroath Football Club reserves
    the right to search any person seeking entry to the Stadium who may be in
    possession of any type of Pyrotechnic Device which could lead to an incident of
    Unacceptable Conduct. Any such article found during such a search will be
    confiscated by the Club and if appropriate, handed to Police Scotland for further
    Any such person refusing to be searched will be denied access to the Stadium and
    any Season Ticket or Match Ticket shall be liable to confiscation without
    compensation and that person may be liable to such other proportionate sanction as
    the Club may determine.
    Likewise any person in possession of any Flag/Banner which may contain offensive
    or otherwise unacceptable material which may cause or be part of any Incident of
    Unacceptable Conduct will not be permitted entry to the Stadium. The Club reserves
    the right to confiscate without compensation any Season Ticket/Match Ticket held by
    that person and that person may also be liable to such other proportionate action as
    the Club may determine.
    The Club will fully cooperate with the Police and Match Officials in relation to any
    alleged incident of Unacceptable Conduct within Gayfield Park. In addition and if
    appropriate, the Club may undertake an internal investigation in relation to any
    allegation of Unacceptable Conduct committed within the Stadium.
    Any person who is convicted of a Football related criminal offence or who has
    breached the Club’s Unacceptable Conduct policy, may be subject to appropriate
    action by the Club.
    Arbroath Football Club will as required at the end of each Football season, provide
    the SPFL with a full report containing any incidents of Unacceptable Conduct and
    document the action taken by the Club in respect of any such incident.
    To conclude, Arbroath Football Club expects all Club Officials, Players, Employees,
    Volunteers and anyone entering Gayfield Stadium to comply with this Unacceptable
    Conduct policy and when appropriate to assist the Club in responding to any form of
    Unacceptable conduct.
    May 2024.