Football Memories At Gayfield Park.


Football Memories At Gayfield Park.

Football Memories At Gayfield Park.

Football Memories is part of Alzheimer Scotland with their Action on Dementia.

Alzheimer Scotland improving the lives of those with dementia by helping them talk about the games and the players of their past with a meeting at Gayfield Park every month in the Champions Lounge.

The group is for those living with this cruel illness and their families or friends.

What is Football Memories?

What’s your favourite football memory? The one moment that makes the hairs on your neck stand on end when you think back on it?

Maybe it was meeting your idol and discovering that they were everything you hoped they would be. Perhaps it was a special goal that you can still see when you close your eyes.

Maybe it was something more personal. Sometimes it’s not about what you are watching, but who you are watching it with. Maybe the goal you most remember is one you scored yourself.

Think of all the bookmarks in the story of your life as a football fan.
With the aid of some fantastic leaders, and a box of football memorabilia to see, feel, hold and touch, the group meet once a month at Gayfield.

If you would like to bring a family member along to their next meeting which takes place in the Champions Lounge at Gayfield (which is Wheelchair Accessible and provides easy access for all) then please get in touch.

When – 2nd Wednesday of the Month
Time – 2pm to 3.30pm
Venue – Gayfield

For More information please contact Rosemary on 07585-700902 or email