Festive Friends 2019 at Arbroath FC


Festive Friends 2019 at Arbroath FC

Festive Friends 2019 at Arbroath FC

For some it’s the most wonderful time of the year. For others, it is the opposite, with few friends or family, loneliness bears down and Christmas can feel a dark time.

And so Festive Friends, in many ways a simple concept, was born out of an opportunity to create something special for those suffering the effects of isolation at a time of year when they need it most.

It is one of the many wonderful initiatives in place by the The SPFL Trust and one we are delighted to have taken part in for a few years.

Yesterday we welcomed some lovely members of the St. Andrews Church in Arbroath and Rev Dr Martin Fair.

What is Festive Friends?

It was a wonderful day where we shared good food, laughter and came together.

Festive Friends means elderly local groups are invited in to a football club for a tasty Christmas lunch, the means to get there, and back but more importantly the companionship and support often so desperately needed for elderly, vulnerable people.

The reality is when you don’t eat well, and spend far too much time on your own you risk your physical and mental health.


Identify – Clubs identify vulnerable or isolated groups, through existing programmes or partnerships.

Accessibility – Transport is organised for participants to attend and return home from the event.

Lunch – A full Christmas lunch is served for everyone.

Fun – Fun, games and gifts are put on for all guests.

Listen – Staff take the time to listen to guests and talk with them.

Thank you to everyone who attended and again to Rev Dr Martin Fair. We hope they all enjoyed their afternoon.

Remember to look out for your loved ones and neighbours at this time of year.

Be good to people!

C’mon the Lichties!