Boardroom Hospitality and Auction Extra


Boardroom Hospitality and Auction Extra

Thanks to the amazing kindness by KIKO, the boardroom hospitality for 2 was put back up for auction at their request.

Richard Grant and his friend Greig Cochrane were the highest bidders and an extra £200 was raised for Kimberly.

Greig and Richard and photographed with the Ladbrokes League Two Trophy at the end of their evening.

We hope you enjoyed your day and thank you again!

Auction Extra

As an added extra to raise more for Motor Neurone Disease Scotland we had a framed print of the Arbroath team which was auctioned after the game in the sold out Hospitality Suite.

Colin Stewart from Arbroath was incredibly generous bidding £350 for the print, which we will get signed for him.

This meant we were able to raise £1010 on Saturday in total for Kimberly’s just giving page for Motor Neurone Disease Scotland.

Thank you again to Colin!